Saturday, August 22, 2020

BBC Newsround: How do I Hate Thee?


BBC Newsround   


How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.

For nearly six months most primary age children, by virtue of being off school, will have inadvertently enjoyed a little psychic freedom from our national mental breakdown delivered via classroom TV news.

In most primary schools after playtime, pupils watch BBC Newsround, a child-focussed news programme. Typically, they have their snack and drink while watching it; this somewhat recreates the anti-family TV-meal feel, which tragically describes too many family domestic meal arrangements.

The justification for bringing even more TV into our children’s lives is that Newsround keeps them informed about the world, and better able to ‘understand complex issues’ and be ‘proactive in the fight for justice’, sustainability, equity, tolerance, inclusion, etc, etc – you know this good list, as you hear it every day. Perhaps you are fed up hearing it, or have just simply ran out of tolerance for ever-needful swarthy ingrates, or have come to realise that the Western media is not always impartial in its presentation of events. Should this describe your feelings, you have the option of using your adult’s sensibility to dismiss lies or propaganda – or even better, switch the TV off!

The child in class, however, does not have any of these options. And is thus daily exposed to the full-blown globalist, racialised, sexualised, misery porn, popworld garbage that is stressing us adults with its relentless imagery, degeneracy and complaint. In Newsround, this assault is somewhat balanced by ‘child-friendly’ celebrity trash and product placement. Consider the effect of all this on a child, less able to filter and understand what they see? This is not, as claimed, informing them or keeping them up to date with events, but rather a demonic combination of inuring them to trivia and trauma, and conditioning them to the Brave New World of gender complaint, perpetual racial outrage and endless charity – soon to be rebranded as reparations.

In this screen world everyone is celebrated and praised, except us! Our glorious history, achievements and traditions only referenced to illustrate the multicultural agenda (e.g. the Somali refugees who are learning Welsh, the immigrants who rebuilt Britain after the war, etc). Never is femininity and motherhood celebrated, or masculinity and fatherhood. Consider the templates held out for approval to watching children; faux child activists, popfluff UN ambassadors for 3rd World charities, Come Dancing celebrities for gayrights, tragic youth transformers – dystopia’s whole panoply.

Alas, true, it is preparing them for the future world; but one mandated by UN-Amazon-Microsoft-Netflix-Faceborg represented by Shekelstein Global Services Inc.

Where is the parental hate for this monster? Here's mine in verse:


 How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways…


Teacher-dupes building brand loyalty

for TV news with 7 year olds

prepping them for the correct attitudes

of tomorrow today, as defined by the BBC.


Apparently, just what they need nowadays!

More screen time in the toxic digital world

of the adult, honeyed up to sweeten

this bitter pill by child friendly ‘fun features’


like the pronouncements of sexed-up

teenie UN ambassadors fighting for

women’s equality while semi naked

or product placement as news features.


Legitimising the lifestyle choices, dress

and posturings of celebrity airheads

while embedding deep into

this innocent limbic landscape


the essential features of our Gen Z;

the drug addiction to the screen,

surreal jump cuts, emotions feminised

the validation of the pop world,


the fawning over attention whores,

poptarts showboating compassion

and socially destructive delusions

presented as truth to gullible young,


with event and tragedy that reinforces

their narrative of world truths, normalising

the madness of the media with

every episode, encouraging fragility;


Click on the links below if you’re upset!


masquerading as concern and support

by making little neurotic dependence bots

(subliminal message-you should be upset!)

out of formerly robust innocents


creating future clients for pharma

but inuring them to their future truth

as TV-addled drones by state monopoly,

an implacable enemy in a squeaky voice;


the Newsround newsreader.


…but don’t worry, everyone will be looked after!


…I hate thee to the depth and breadth and height 

My soul can reach;

I hate thee with a hate I seemed to gain

With my newfound saints.


I hate thee with the breath,

pain, tears, of all my life;

and, if God choose,

I shall but hate thee better after death.


(with apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning , if required)

[ This claim that exposure to TV news is generally toxic to a child’s intellectual and emotional development, and that our national TV news serves agendas which do not find acceptance in the parent population – and rightly so – is partly explored in my Relentless - The Death March to Educational Excellence, which can be looked at via the attached cover link.

Admittedly, this book adopts a somewhat eccentric view of all the dysfunction, but all the better to have a laugh at it. A more serious take will appear in my soon to be, The Hateful Seven – The Good Ideas Ruining Our Children. ]


Tuesday, August 11, 2020



[Head in hands, Hamlet crosses the stage in silent agony.] sympathy with those who feel thusly, and persevere; I salute you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


The school Pharisees try to trap Scotch Jesus, but he flips their script with a clever conundrum and has them reeling at the thought of their racial apostasy being exposed.

One day, as Scotch Jesus was encouraging his class to feel pride in their ancestors’ technical and artistic genius  by teaching them about the development of the European cathedral while gently listening to some Bach religious music, the chief diversity teachers and department anti-racist  scribes, together with the school Babylonian lifestyle advisors, came up to Him. "Tell us by what authority you are doing these things," they said. "Who gave you this authority?"

“Let me ask you a question first,” He replied. “Half the diversity – is it still twice too much; or is twice the diversity, half of what it should be?”

They deliberated among themselves, but found that their brains addled by repetitive tweeting could not reach a conclusion, and so said, "If we answer wrongly all the pupils will stone us, and we will become infamous as racists and lose our high salaried jobs.” So they answered that they did not know. And Jesus replied, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.” And the pupils were amazed, never before had they heard such wisdom.

NB. With thanks (and apologies, if required) to Luke, the evangelist and saint. See Luke 20:1-8

(This is an entry from my soon to be published A-Z of Educational Nonsense. I would like to blame the virus for the delay- my enemies will do anything to hold me back!)

Monday, July 27, 2020

Follow, follow,..we will follow,...BLM!

The Tale of the Golliwog: Part 1½


In considering the second part to the tale of the golliwog, I was gifted by Providence an illustration of the wider point I was hoping to make. Although outside the domain of school education, the example seemed so apposite that it justified the interpolation. And so, I set aside Part 2 temporarily to address this issue with a Part 1½:

A friend was telling me about a recent Rangers game which took place in France to an empty stadium- as per Covid guidelines. Prior to the game the team were obliged to ‘take the knee’ in an act of obeisance to, ostensibly, BLM and their racialist claims. This ‘protest’ was clearly divisive for the players; the Whites mainly ignoring it and the ethnic and mixed-race others enthusiastic, some to the point of raised fists - Black power! A message directed, one can only suppose, to (or against?) in order, football fans, Rangers fans and their fellow players. 

One can imagine how quickly any expression of disagreement between players will segue to the usual accusations and become divisive; thus damaging of team unity.

Many fans objected to this display on social media, arguing that this issue is nothing to do with Rangers or Scottish football. In response, certain Rangers players accused their own fans of racism. The chairman became involved too, but not as a defender of the club whose purpose is football, nor of the fans attempt to distance themselves from the controversy of racialist arguments, but of the apparent principle that underlies the BLM protest.

This issue will run on, but note that the confrontation starts with an insult to fans – who are supposed to accept, as a given; the legitimacy of the BLM movement,  the premise of the racialist assumptions that underlie it, their own complicity in this alleged White racism and the rightness of Rangers’ involvement in it.  Leaving aside the temptation to explore these issues, and not least the various ironies involved in wealthy and privileged ‘black’ sportsmen pretending to be brave and principled at the expense of their own fans’ feelings, we return to our thesis.

What does this tell us with respect to our argument regarding racial justice and school education?

Firstly, by being in a completely different societal domain it reinforces what we already know about the destructive impact of this collective, anti-racism madness. Namely, that no institution is safe from accusations of racism, regardless of the relevance or ridiculousness of such claims, and that the interests of those affected by such claims are ignored. That those who should protect us from such have got no intention of doing so; indeed, so important is it for them to appear on-board with the anti-racism mission, that they will willingly, sometimes gratuitously, alienate shareholders, customers and (in the case of Rangers) those supporters whose loyalty gives life to the institution. Suddenly, the fans find that their club has been repurposed to a political end; and that although they might be the club, they don’t own it, nor enjoy the proper respect of those who do!  Such for Rangers - and the same for any other sports club, organisation, or school!

Secondly, a template is held out to school children, irrespective of their interest in football, of how to behave and think; your favourite team apparently recognising the truth of White systemic racism by kneeling and black fisting for racial justice. And those who query, however slightly, the legitimacy of this movement are cast into darkness by social media, news media, celebrity puppet-activists, even club chairmen.  How could this NOT be seen as operant conditioning?*

Finally, and most importantly, it illustrates the power which lies behind this racialisation of social life. This has largely been invisible within the school context, as it may have seemed to arrive on the back of the citizenship elements of the curriculum. Concerned adults and parents could perhaps dismiss this development as a passing phase or a minor issue.

But when we consider the case of BLM and Rangers as a representative of this racialisation of seemingly everything, we realise that we are dealing with a force much more powerful than a mere foreign protest movement. And that has implications for the development of racial grievance politics in our schools.

How can it be so, that a newly, and supposedly spontaneously, founded foreign, political-activist organisation - predicated on issues that have no connection to us – can arrive in Europe fully-funded and able to instantly exert such influence?  How can it be so, that our native football teams are obliged to do homage to, largely, career-criminal Black Americans repurposed as saintly innocents. Try to get the football league, or your own favourite team, to take the knee as a protest for injustices that concern you or us in Scotland and see how far this gets you? You already know the answer!

In thinking this through we can see the intent and gigantic power behind this phenomenon in its ability to subvert, divide and co-opt accomplices, even to the point of them destroying their own organisations and businesses. We must surely, then, fear its potential within schools, faced with much more innocent minds – not least the already gulled, fem-bot teachers.

If only we could discover which group may be behind this phenomenon; they would have to have international access to massive funding, control of social and news media and have global political leverage. Hmm!,…this does not seem to describe Black people. Perhaps someone will work out the answer?

What think ye?

*  Repeatedly modelling behaviour to the target to get them to copy it without even thinking. By encouraging certain behaviours, this technique also legitimises the associated thoughts or theories behind it -  also without thinking about it.


John Grieg: Rangers captain
Possessed of too much dignity and respect for the team fans, I can't imagine him taking the knee. Nor allowing the team to openly display, prior to a game!, their division over such an issue. A fun thought - Jock Wallace coming into the Rangers dressing room prior to the cup final against Celtic, " Right lads, I've just spoken to Billy McNeill, and baith teams will be taking the knee for ****** in America."

Thursday, July 23, 2020

We’re still here!


Commemorating the Day After.

Today, the 23rd of July, was a day of national reckoning for our ancestors in 1298. For this was the day after Wallace’s Scottish Commons Army* suffered a defeat by their national enemy at the Battle of Falkirk on the 22nd July. The English, led by their great king, Edward 1, the ‘Hammer of the Scots’ himself, utilised for the first time the irresistible tactical combination of massed archers (the arrow storm) followed by an armoured cavalry charge, then infantry to finish off survivors; it was a set-piece battle we had little chance of winning anyway. The scale of this defeat is hard to know, for then, as now, both sides had an interest in spinning the result for advantage, but regardless it was still a solid defeat. Any Scots who did not escape were not offered the option of surrender; no POWs in the 13th century! After the triumph at the Battle of Stirling Bridge the year before, this defeat could have been psychologically crushing and politically breaking.

But it wasn’t. Our ancestors picked themselves up, dusted themselves down and started all over again. And this is why I am writing commemorating this, rather than the battle, which I am happy for our English cousins to celebrate if they wish.

Although the examination of this episode makes fascinating history, it is not my intention to do this here, but just to salute the fortitude of our ancestors on this date in holding fast to their identity and independence, as Scots – for this is how they referred to themselves. Without this belief, which they proved to be true in the profoundest sense, I would not have written this, nor you read it.

And I do this too as a reference to the political and cultural chaos that is encroaching ever nearer to our wee corner, with a reminder that we have in our heritage that stuff which will enable us to ride it out and see it off. We need to remind ourselves of this, as no-one else does.

 Dae richt. Fear nocht.  

  *    The commons army, so named because its command and structure was not dependent on the compromised Scotch nobility and their retinues. In other words, it was the common us!

[My Wallace bio covers this topic should you be interested in exploring it further. This can be obtained by clicking the cover at top right which will take you to the Amazon page, or visiting my website where you can buy it directly from me.]

Monday, July 20, 2020

Betraying our Children: School Version. Part 1

An Appalling Example of Prejudice – but whose?

Here is an example of how we unthinkingly betray our children:

This betrayal takes place at the end of a cause and effect sequence that for the most part involves unwitting actors; teachers, education bureaucrats, useful-idiot politicians and the activists formerly known as journalists. However, in contrast to the above litany of dupes, the intelligence behind this betrayal is very strongly focussed on the final effect. As we shall see.

The story starts with a small image of a golliwog, as just one part of a mural which depicts a childhood scene. It was painted over 80 years ago within an Edinburgh primary school and at that time such a rag doll was a nursery commonplace. The mural is a competent work of some artistic merit, proof of which was its receipt of a recent grant for restoration. The golliwog in question is not in chains nor being whuppt by his massa, or in any other way singled out and mistreated by his whiter doll companions; indeed, the image is one of inclusion, a much-favoured goal of education, except when it clashes with the real agenda – as it does here. I know nothing of the artist, but having personally seen the mural I feel secure in affirming that his intent was just to make a cheerful picture for the pupils. And this is what it did for 80 years, unthinkingly.

And then, funnily enough, following on from the weaponisation of racial sensitivities, about five years ago, a female person of colour (yes, a woman – who would’ve guessed?) suddenly found themselves offended by this little figure and naturally called the police – yes, they actually called the police. Although not of the same race as the golliwog, which as a cloth doll does not actually have a race, nevertheless, we can only imagine the extent of her panic and deep trauma in facing alone this terrifying vision of White racial hatred. Luckily, this is the one –the only one! – issue to which the police respond with alacrity and thoroughness. A full investigation took place; or rather, a ‘fool investigation took place’. Unfortunately the culprit artist-bigot had already escaped to the Land of the Leal and, unable to pursue him there and there being no statue to destroy, the poor victim had to be consoled by police chiefs and education chiefs jointly taking the knee before black power and apologising for any offence, etc., etc. You know how this goes, as you hear it every day.

This incident (for want of a better word) took place in what were the early, innocent days of race hustle in Scotland and the issue seemed to slip away. Seemed to; for as we are now finding out, this issue will never leave us –not until we are gone.

Everyone who read of this story at the time understood that the golliwog was just an image that had no intention of demeaning anyone, and actually, honestly, didn’t. They understood that, although context and intent matters in issues of interpretation, they did not matter to the complainer. For she was not actually offended, she was the offender.

Located in her personal psychology of inferiority, she was needful of some way of striking back against White Scotland, as a sort of perverse thank you for her better life here. Her defining quality was resentment and it found its means of revenge in the legislation designed to achieve this end. Arguably, she was among the first race hustlers to cross the line into absurdity.

However, an important point was demonstrated by this event to all other potential race hustlers and random malcontents, and to their puppet-masters, that their society killing infection had taken hold and that institutions nominally charged with defending culture could be ‘turned around’ and used to destroy it; as if a kind of auto-immune disease. Whitey was weak and on the run.

And so, fast forward to the current iteration of racewar which, while we were not looking, became embedded in your primary school. This justifies my commenting on it – to which subject, the context hopefully having now being created,  I will return in the next post. 

What think ye?

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Puppet Dreck-meisters of Global Inc

Delivering Poptrash Garbage to our Children

I recently saw an earphoned child of about seven listening to her i phone. Her unwitting jerks and tics indicated her melding into the global music matrix. Years ago, I would have been puzzled as to what someone so young could possibly be listening to, and would have consoled myself with the thought that, whatever, it is, it's not the soul-destroying dreck of Miley or Ariana et al - alas, I know now not to give this consolation any houseroom. 

The issue for our children is not just the music, for these wholly globalist-owned, puppet fembots are the fronts of a mission to bring precocious sexuality, identity confusion, narcissism and neuroticism to their innocent targets by planted suggestion and their personal example. This is the music-ganda and accompanying vid that welcomes such a little girl as referenced above through the portals into that world we see arriving nearer every day. And this got me thinking; 

It is a tragedy for our children that, arguably the high point of European cultural achievement, our classical music repertoire finds no place in their learning. Likewise, for our great folk traditions, the envy of less blessed lands. The various mood and even neurological benefits that the former confers on the listener have been well catalogued - as have been the deleterious effects of poptrash and rap - but pale in comparison to the wonder and beauty so easily brought into a child’s life. And for our native, post ice-age stock, the immense pride of association; the greatest gift in a child’s upbringing. The scale of this musical achievement,  covering the development of techniques, training, instruments, notation, recording and the creation of the highest standards to carry it forward, can easily be transmitted to children, even infants, who hold no class or other prejudices against this music - at least until the global popworld snares their minds.

Few contemporary teachers, alas, have any knowledge of this tradition, far less interest, as it does not sit nicely with poptart vids and i Tunes. This is an immense loss to our children, and one, moreover, when the early exposure and appreciation is not encouraged, that is not easily recovered. Luckily, a replacement is on hand.

 As rap is the true music of diversity, the Scottish government has spared no expense in employing a consultative committee of their friends (led by GTCS, of course) to replace the primary school music component with something a bit more gangsta and better reflecting Scotland’s vibrant, new multi-C image. The Meenister of Newducation has already contacted the 9mm Bruvvas to develop the music curriculum to be titled F*** da White ******. As a tribute the FM, they even produced a first line free of charge:

 Who dat skanky ho, hangin wi da tartan, Yo!

According to wise Confucius, you can tell the values of a society by the music it listens to. So be it! Well, let them keep Lady Gaga, we’ve got Wagner. Perhaps he will come to our rescue; certainly, if Ride of the Valkyries is playing, you could cut the grass in your soiled underwear and it would still be heroic.

I’m feeling optimistic again. What think ye?